When we think about lighting up a display board or placing a light box in a shop window, more often than not we want it to be bright so that it stands out and can be seen any time.
Alternatively, if it is an advertising board, we may want a phrase or certain image emphasised. However, lighting is important part of advertising, much more than you may think.
It has been proven that light affects consumer behaviour. The way you illuminate your store and displays can have a big impact in for your customer’s experience.
We will go through just how light effects consumer behaviour, and how this can affect your sales!
How does lighting effect consumer habits?
A study conducted by members at Kellogg School found that we feel less connected to others in the dark.
This means that in darker lit areas we pin less meaning or connection with the items we are buying. However, this also means we are more likely to purchase more luxury, decadent options as buying tends to be more spontaneous and impulsive.
On the other hand, they found that bright lighting encouraged people to make more weighted, practical purchases. Very bright lighting can also influence buyers to be more impulsive which is why checkout displays are often brighter areas.
How does this affect my advertising options?
This study proves that lighting is an important factor when you are advertising outside or when you use an illuminated display, as the brightness can change your consumer’s habits considerably.
Think about your brand and how you want your consumers to behave and how you want them to shop.
If you want them to feel welcomed, so they shop at a slower pace for luxurious, decadent products then you may want to look at a dimmer lighting setup. Whereas, if you are looking at a consumer experience which is quicker paced, for the more practical purchases then a bright set up would be more suitable.
This applies to advertising as well and can also relate to messaging such as public health messages and important government messages. For this type of messaging you want your target audience to make practical, sensible decisions and to be more mindful of the messaging. In this instance, a brighter lighting set up could be best for maximum audience absorption.
However, be aware you don’t make your advertising too bright as this can lead to heightened emotional states which isn’t what you want to portray when providing an important update on such vital messages as public health.
As you can see, lighting is vital for not only consumer shops and advertising but also for outside advertising boards for councils and public bodies. Lighting can affect not only the way your consumer or target audience behaves but even their feelings, so you need to take this into account when choosing your advertising boards.
Our POPlight stand is the perfect advertising space for advertising and public health messages alike. With the backlight you can ensure that your messaging is seen any time day or night.
To find out more about our light box display for your next marketing campaign or public health message contact us today.