It won’t be far away before you are busy preparing and planning your attendance to upcoming events. You may well be deciding whether to go for a modular exhibition stand and how your should position your services or products.
However, this year there is one thing you need to prioritise more than ever, and that’s health and safety. With Covid-19 still a part of our lives we need to be safe and sensible at all events. Below are our recommendations of how to exhibit safely.
What do we mean by exhibiting safely?
In previous years, health and safety would merely have been making sure there are no trip hazards, ensuring all electrical devices have been PAT tested or checking you have the relevant first aider on board. This year, all those things need to be considered and so much more.
Exhibiting safely now means playing your part to help prevent spreading Covid-19 any further. It means ensuring not only you and your employees are safe but also the visitors to your stand. Each company attending an event from now on has a responsibility to ensure their area is as safe as possible. If we want events to continue this year each individual needs to play their part to ensure guidelines are followed rigorously.
How to exhibit safely and what this means for our modular exhibition stands
The first thing every company needs to do before they attend the event is make sure all employees who are attending are up to date with the newest guidelines.
These are changing quite frequently so always look for the most recent rules. These need to be adhered to at all times to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone at the event.
Prior to the event, you need to consider what your space will look like. You may already have a big, modular exhibition stand, or you may have something smaller and more compact.
When planning your space always have Covid-19 in mind. Make sure you and everyone else will be able to adhere to social distancing guidelines. This could mean that you need to opt for a larger space, or if this isn’t feasible you may want to simplify your exhibition stand.
What else should I consider on my stand before the day
One feature for your stand which is worth considering is a sanitation station. This is where you could have sanitising hand spray or gel and perhaps some paper towels or tissue to wipe areas down. This is not only great for keeping your company and everyone else safe but it could also make a good lead generator.
Imagine this, you may be one of only a few who have a sanitation station and so visitors are likely to walk over to wash their hands or wipe something down. Your sales team then have the perfect way in, start a conversation, and before you know it you can hit your lead target.
Other aspects of the day you need to think about is how you will implement social distancing safely. You may want to bring in a one way system for your stand which you can implement through arrows on the floor. This will not only minimise traffic hold ups but you could also use this to your advantage and have one of your sales team positioned at the end or beginning of the one way system.
What should I and other attendees do on the day in order to exhibit safely?
Once you have your bespoke or modular exhibition stand set up check around you, make sure there is plenty of space and work out the best places you and your colleagues can stand where you can all still socially distance.
Also avoid having demo products if you can. In the current pandemic having items on your modular exhibition stand which people interact with is simply a lot more hassle for you as it will mean you need to constantly sanitise the product after every demo.
This can be very time consuming and could even potentially cost you a sale or lead if there is a queue of potential clients waiting to try it out.
Instead consider using different media platforms to display your product or services. You could use videos displayed on a television screen. Alternatively, you could you display QR codes or website address links so visitors to your stand can use their phone to interact with your exhibition stand.
This way they can find out more about your product or services without having to touch anything other than their own phone. By using various media platforms, you will not only stay Covid safe but also help the visitors interact with you more.
Before they watch the video or interact with the app you could also have a pop up to collate their email addresses which is a great way for your sales team to follow up with them later.
If you haven’t already, consider changing to a paperless event as this will help to reduce the spread of Covid-19. Not only this, but if you promote your company as eco-friendly then this will help increase your commitment to being environmentally friendly.
Instead of collating personal details on a piece of paper get one of your sales team to carry a tablet around. Instead of giving away free pens or notebooks consider offering them free trials, discount codes or an e-book. This way any visitors to your stand will not have to touch anything and they will feel more assured that you care about stopping the spread.
There are a lot of different aspects to think about but this season Covid-19 and exhibiting safely should be at the forefront of all your planning. If guidelines aren’t followed and the infection rate increases following events, then future dates are likely to be cancelled. This means that it is in everyone’s best interest to have a safe and successful event.
Here at Clip we have a variety of different modular exhibition stands that can be adapted to help towards your goal of exhibiting safely.
Contact us today to find out more about our event stands and how we can help you to help everyone else stop the spread of Covid-19.